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May 25, 2012
Just a quick little blog post today. It’s been several weeks since my last update and I thought I best keep the forthers frothing!
I will be getting a bunch of prints done over the coming days. All shapes and sizes but I will most likely be staying clear from the metallic papers. As good as the metallic prints look they’re a little tricky to frame and require more time, (something I don’t have much of at the moment) On top of all that I will be releasing some new photos to the website.
If you’re looking for a print and you aren’t too sure on what size you’re wanting I would recommend a 12x18 inch print that is then framed. The size isn’t too big and not too small. However if you’re wanting something that will be a feature on your wall I can certainly accommodate that.
Here is my "piste de resistance" from my Hawaiian trip. No it’s not a wave. But it’s by far my favourite shot. Technically I can’t fault it, the sun is perfecttly position on the horizon and the water is beautifully smoked over the rocks. The best thing about this photo is the location. This was directly out the front of our house, literally less than 60meteres away. This particular sunset was a tough one to capture, it started to rain just as the sun was going down, I had taken about 10 shots before it started pouring down and I had to run inside.
Further to this here is a sample of all the new photos that have been uploaded to my site.
Imagine Capture Inspire is our motto
January 22, 2024