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May 22, 2013
If you have been fortunate enough to get your hands on a copy of the most recent issue of Capture magazine, you would’ve noticed one of my photos (exit wave) is on the cover of the lift out. Australia’s Top emerging photographers is a competition run by the guys and gals at Capture mag. I first got wind of this magazine a little over a year ago now, when a fellow photographer (Trent Mitchell) had won the overall award. So I marked it down in my diary to stay alert and enter in the following year.
The competition is based on a body of work of 6 images, they also look into your website, a description of who you are and what you do. This is all taken into consideration when the judges select the finalist. I entered into the landscape category, the portrait category and also the sport category. Luckily enough I was able to take out second place in the sports photographer section.
One of the comments the judges said “One thing I have to say to up and coming sport photographers is to go out of their comfort zone and shoot more than one sport” I sat and thought about it for a while and totally agree with them. Maybe it’s not directed at me personally but I certainly believe I should be shooting more than just surfing and bodybuilding.
Looking forward to showing you guys a completely different side to my sport photography in the next 6 months.
The winners are:
Overall winner - Ben Mcrae
Documentary/photojournalism - Winner - David Maurice Smith, Runner up - Ed Giles
Advertising - Winner - Stuart MIller, Runner up - Rachel Brown
Portrait - Winner - Ryan Fitzgerald, Runner up - Ben McRae
Editorial/Fashion - Winner - Alexandrena Parker, Runner up - Phillip Papadis
Student- Winner - Jana Mare', Runner up - Bryan Sun
Sport - Winner - Jaimi Chisholm, Runner up - Jon Wright
Landscape - Winner - Ben McRae, Runner up - Jerome Berbigier
January 22, 2024